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How to Have Better Relationships — Follow These 9 Tips
This quarantine can be particularly stressful on relationships. Maybe you’re living in close quarters with others. Or you’re only relating to people at a distance — or it’s the stress of these crazy times. It’s always important to relate to others as skillfully as possible, but that’s become even more important right now.
Relationship guidance from David J. Leiberman, Ph.D.
Lieberman has nine great suggestions for how to drastically improve any kind of relationship. They’re from his book, Make Peace with Anyone. Specifically, they’re from the chapter called, “The 9 Rules to Drastically Improve Any Relationship of Any Kind.”
These pointers will help you to improve your relationships — whether romantic, familial, platonic, professional, or any other type. None of them should come as a surprise, but it’s nice to have them laid out in a list like this. I’m not just going to tell you about these suggestions though. I’m going share what they look like in my life so you can see them applied.
I prefer to think of his “rules” as suggestions. After listing each of them, I’ll give examples of the way they play out in my relationship with my sweetheart. It’s one thing to read a list of rules, it’s another thing entirely to hear what they look like in someone’s life! Mind you, I didn’t…